FP-NXL aims to faithfully recreate the 3 channels of our highly modified Bugera 333XL amp, located at Neutron One Studio, in profiles you can load into the Neural Amp Modeller plugin (NAM). The pack also includes 3 effects presets for Convology XT and a single preview profile of our “Quantum Speaker” product..
What's Included:
● An Instruction Document
● NAM profilesrecreating the 3 channels of our modified 333XL amp head
● Additional Quantum Speaker preview profile
● StudioEffect Presets for Convology XT
Deep dive - https://youtu.be/DlFKmnGqn4A
What you will need:
● A PC/Mac With an audiointerface capable of accepting a High Impedance (Hi-Z) Instrument input, Set for low latency playback and calibrated to around -6db peak.
● The Neural Amp Modeller plugin, standalone app or another NAM compatible device or plugin. This can be obtained for free at the following link: https://www.neuralampmodeler.com/
● The Convology XT Plugin if you would also like to load the included effects presets. This plugin can be obtained for free at the following link: https://impulserecord.com/project/convology-xt-plugin/
● An Electric Guitar (ideally something similar to the one the artist uses).
Free “Neutron XL” NAM Profile Pack FP-NXL
Although this product is free it is only free for you, and not free for you to give to others! Everyone can have access to the pack for free provided they are signed up as a member and have accepted the Neutron terms!